CSA Group – Fundamentals of IC – Parts 1 and 2 (virtual training)
UPDATED TO THE 2022 EDITION OF THE STANDARD: CSA’s popular training program Fundamentals of Infection control during Construction, Renovation and Maintenance of Healthcare Facilities is now available in a virtual format. With a full feature instructor lead, virtual training environment, all of the features of the face-to-face program are duplicated in this virtual delivery. When travel to a face-to-face event is not possible, this program fits the bill to ensure your staff have the training they need to work safely in the healthcare facility environment.
Sessions are offered at various times of the day to suit your scheduling needs. This virtual training is offered as 2 four-hour virtual sessions – parts 1 and 2 – as opposed to the eight hour face-to-face session. For more information, see http://shop.csa.ca/en/canada/health-care-and-medical-devices-training/fundamentals-of-infection-control-during-construction/invt/500320002011/&bklist=icat,4,shop,training,healthcaretrain
CSA Group – Effective Implementation of IC – Parts 1 and 2 (virtual training)
UPDATED TO THE 2022 EDITION OF THE STANDARD: CSA’s popular training program Fundamentals of Effective Implementation of control during Construction, Renovation and Maintenance of Healthcare Facilities – Practical Applications is now available in a virtual format. With a full feature instructor lead, virtual training environment, all of the features of the face-to-face program are duplicated in this virtual delivery. When travel to a face-to-face event is not possible, this program fits the bill to ensure your staff have the training they need to work safely in the healthcare facility environment.
Sessions are offered at various times of the day to suit your scheduling needs. This virtual training is offered as 2 four-hour virtual sessions – parts 1 and 2 – as opposed to the eight hour face-to-face session. For more information, see http://shop.csa.ca/en/canada/health-care-and-medical-devices-training/csa-z31713-effective-implementation-and-practical-applications/invt/500319992011/&bklist=icat,4,shop,training,healthcaretrain
CSA Group – Preparing the Infection Control Plan for New Health Care Construction Projects – Using CSA Z317.13:22 Parts 1 through 4 (virtual training)
NEW FOR THE 2022 EDITION OF THE STANDARD: Over the last 20 years the connections between construction activity and negative patient outcomes have become well known. While procedures during renovations in existing healthcare buildings have become the norm, new construction project procedures continue to evolve at a rapid pace. The most recent edition of the CSA Z317.13 Standard introduces enhanced safety with a vision to the occupants of the healthcare building over the long term and not just during the actual construction itself. To effectively implement such procedures, healthcare construction teams can put themselves in a position to be successful by ensuring that a well thought out, comprehensive and detailed infection control plan has been developed and accepted by the project’s multi-disciplinary team before any work takes place on the project.
With significant updates to Clause 8 of CSA Z317.13 (the Clause that specifically deals with new construction projects), this course digs deep into these new requirements and will help construction team members build that infection control plan that is so critical to the success of a healthcare construction project.
*Note: This course has been developed as an in-depth review of the newly introduced, new construction requirements of the Standard and is intended for experienced healthcare construction team members who are involved with the development of, or review of infection control plans for new healthcare construction projects. Attendees should have previously completed CSA’s other courses on this subject and have healthcare construction experience.
Gordon serves as the faculty member for this course across Canada and is the chair of the technical committee for Health Care Facilities and brings intimate knowledge of the intents of the statements within this standard.
CSA Group – Indoor Air Quality – The role of HVAC Systems in Healthcare Facilities – Parts 1 and 2 (virtual training)
UPDATED TO THE 2024 EDITION: Poor indoor air quality can adversely impact patient’s and staff’s health, comfort and productivity. When they are properly designed, installed, operated and maintained, HVAC systems can contribute to energy efficiency, reductions of airborne hazards, good air quality and ensure building occupant safety. Proper HVAC help to reduce negative patient outcomes.
This program explores the healthcare facilities HVAC systems through an overview of the fundamental philosophies of the latest (2024) edition of the CAN/CSA Z317.2 standard. Come see the revised redundancy and system verification requirements as well as business continuity planning to ensure climate resilience and environmental responsibility contained the newest CSA standard among many other updated topics.
Gordon serves as the faculty member for this course across Canada and is the chair of the technical committee for Health Care Facilities and brings intimate knowledge of the intents of the statements within this standard. For more information, see http://shop.csa.ca/en/canada/indoor-air-quality-the-role-of-hvac-systems-in-healthcare-facilities/invt/500133152011
CHES Healthcare Construction Certificate Program
(Face-to-face programs offered across the country)
The Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society in conjunction with the American Society for Healthcare Engineering offer the only course in Canada designed to meet the unique needs of healthcare construction professionals. This two day course presents information on contemporary issues related to the construction, renovation with the Canadian Healthcare environment.
Topics include: Planning, Design, Construction, Safety, Risk Assessments, Codes & Standards, Infection Control, Mechanical + Plumbing + Electrical Systems, Emergency Preparedness and Commissioning.
With faculty from across North America, this is a not to be missed event. For more information visit https://ches.org/professional-development/canadian-healthcare-construction-course/
CSA Group – Fundamentals of Infection control during Construction, Renovation and Maintenance of Healthcare Facilities (1 day, face-to-face program)
(Face-to-face programs are now available at your location)
UPDATED TO THE 2022 EDITION OF THE STANDARD: Construction, renovation and maintenance activities are a significant cause of potentially fatal infections for the occupants of any healthcare facility. This course focuses on application of CSA Z317.13:22 Infection Control during Construction, Renovation and Maintenance of Healthcare Facilities to address necessary measures and help control risk. We will explore the risk factors and a risk analysis profile that is required when doing any type of construction or maintenance in many healthcare facilities across Canada.
Topics include: risk identification, risk analysis, risk mitigation and preventive measures that can be applied to minimize the risks to patients.
Gordon serves as the key faculty member for this course across Canada and is past chair of the technical subcommittee for CSA Z317.13:22 and brings intimate knowledge of the intents of the statements within this standard. For more information, see http://shop.csa.ca/en/canada/health-care-and-medical-devices-training/fundamentals-of-infection-control-during-construction/invt/500320002011/&bklist=icat,4,shop,training,healthcaretrain
CSA Group – Effective Implementation of Infection control during Construction or Renovation of Healthcare Facilities – Practical Applications (1 day, face-to-face program)
(Face-to-face programs are now available at your location)
UPDATED TO THE 2022 EDITION OF THE STANDARD: Applying the CSA Z317.13:22 standard is not always straight forward. This course builds on the information gained during the Fundamentals of Infection Control during Construction, Renovation and Maintenance of Healthcare Facilities course to address challenges that are commonly seen in the healthcare construction industry. This includes several tools that make applying the standard easier in the “real world”.
This course also highlights many of the changes between the 2017 and 2022 editions of the CSA Z317.13 standard. Topics include risk mitigation and preventive techniques that can be applied to minimize the risks to patients. The course takes participants through many real life construction scenarios focussing on major renovation and new health care construction projects..
Gordon serves as the key faculty member for this course across Canada and is past chair of the technical subcommittee for CSA Z317.13:22 and brings intimate knowledge of the intents of the statements within this standard. For more information, see http://shop.csa.ca/en/canada/health-care-and-medical-devices-training/csa-z31713-effective-implementation-and-practical-applications/invt/500319992011/&bklist=icat,4,shop,training,healthcaretrain
CSA Group – Designing for the Future CSA Z8000 – Canadian Health Care Facilities
(Coming soon)
UPDATED TO THE 2024 EDITION: The design and construction of hospitals, medical offices and other health care facilities is critical to the consistent delivery of quality health care in Canada. These facilities are designed and built with sophisticated systems and as a result, a national common and consistent standard for design and construction is needed. CSA Z8000 Canadian health care facilities responds to this need by providing a nationally recognized baseline for the design and construction of hospitals and selected care facilities. The positive applications of this standard have a long reach from stakeholders in healthcare and occupational health and safety all the way to business continuity planning and construction.
Gordon Burrill and his guest speakers are two of Canada’s leading experts in the field and participated in the development of the new Z8000 Standard, serving in leadership roles of the CSA Technical Subcommittee (TSC) for design and construction of Canadian health care facilities. They bring valuable knowledge and practical experience from their extensive work in the health care facility construction field across the country. Don’t miss the opportunity to ask questions and network with your peers to share knowledge and experiences.
This 1-day interactive workshop not only helps you navigate Z8000 but provides you with valuable insight into the latest developments and requirements in the ever-evolving field of health care facility construction, maintenance and renovation. You will gain the practical knowledge necessary to apply the appropriate measures that help control risks. For more information, see http://shop.csa.ca/en/canada/health-care-and-medical-devices-training/designing-for-the-future-csa-z8000-canadian-health-care-facilities-1-day-workshop/invt/50062815&bklist=icat,4,shop,learning-institute,healthcaretrain
***** NEW *****
CSA Group – Preparing the Infection Control Plan for New Health Care Construction Projects – Using CSA Z317.13:22 Parts 1 through 4 (virtual training)
BRAND NEW FOR THE 2022 EDITION OF THE STANDARD: Over the last 20 years the connections between construction activity and negative patient outcomes have become well known. While procedures during renovations in existing healthcare buildings have become the norm, new construction project procedures continue to evolve at a rapid pace. The most recent edition of the CSA Z317.13 Standard introduces enhanced safety with a vision to the occupants of the healthcare building over the long term and not just during the actual construction itself. To effectively implement such procedures, healthcare construction teams can put themselves in a position to be successful by ensuring that a well thought out, comprehensive and detailed infection control plan has been developed and accepted by the project’s multi-disciplinary team before any work takes place on the project.
With significant updates to Clause 8 of CSA Z317.13 (the Clause that specifically deals with new construction projects), this workshop digs deep into these new requirements and will help construction team members build that infection control plan that is so critical to the success of a healthcare construction project.
*Note: This course has been developed as an in-depth review of the newly introduced, new construction requirements of the Standard and is intended for experienced healthcare construction team members who are involved with the development of, or review of infection control plans for new healthcare construction projects. Attendees should have previously completed CSA’s other courses on this subject and have healthcare construction experience.
Gordon serves as the faculty member for this course across Canada and is the chair of the technical committee for Health Care Facilities and brings intimate knowledge of the intents of the statements within this standard. For more information, see the CSA Store