He is a Registered Professional Engineer with 35 years experience in the design, construction, maintenance, and operations of healthcare facilities. Among his accomplishments are:
- Winner of the Hans Burgers Award for Outstanding contribution to Healthcare Engineering from the Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society (CHES).
- Winner of the Award of Merit from the Canadian Standards Association.
- Winner of the President’s Award from the American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE).
- The first Canadian to hold the designation of Certified Healthcare Constructor – CHC. (USA)
- Among the first Canadian to hold the designation of Canadian Certified Healthcare Facility Manager – CCHFM.
- Among the first Canadians to hold the designation of Certified Healthcare Facility Manager – CHFM. (USA)
- Achieved the Fellow designation from the American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE)
- Board Chair, Founding board member and President of the Canadian Centre for Healthcare Facilities (CCHF)
- Chair of the CSA Technical Committee for Health Care Facilituies.
- Chair of the CSA Technical Subcommittee for Medical Gas Pipeline Systems
- Chair of the CSA Technical Subcommittee for Patient Lifting Devices.
- Past Chair of the CSA Technical Sub-Committee for Infection Control during Construction or Renovations of Health Care Facilities
- Vice Chair of the CSA Technical Sub-Committee for Design and Construction of Canadian Health Care Facilities
- An active member on a number of other CSA committees including those for special requirements for construction, design and maintenance of health care facilities
- A member of the NFPA Technical Correlating Committee and two Technical Committees for the standard NFPA 99 – Health Care Facilities
- A senior member of the CSA Education and Training faculty providing codes and standards training to healthcare facilities managers and engineers.
- A founding member of the CHES Healthcare Construction Certificate Program faculty providing construction training throughout Canada
- A member of the ASHE Healthcare Construction Certificate Program faculty providing construction training throughout the United States of America
- A member of the ASHE Infection Control – Managing Risk faculty providing construction, operation and maintenance training throughout the United States of America
- National President of the Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society from 2003-2005.
- Served as a Council Member of the International Federation for Hospital Engineers 2003-2005
- Has served as member of the Standing Committee for Building and Plumbing Systems for the National Building Code of Canada.
- Served on CHES’s and ASHE’s leadership teams and committees since 2002
- A member of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE)
- A member of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME)
- A member of the American Society for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)